Hallowed Ground: The Sports Museum Podcast

My name is Andrew Stockmann and I am an Emerging Professional in ISHA. I wanted to introduce myself and my new project, Hallowed Ground: The Sports Museum Podcast!

Probably like many of you in ISHA, I have always been fascinated with the history of sports. Growing up, our family vacations were usually centered around visiting MLB stadiums and any surrounding sports museums. As a result, I’ve visited several large, nationally-recognized museums in large cities and smaller, more niche museums across the country. That love of sports led to me studying Sport Management at Wichita State University with the goal of a career in the sport industry. I graduated from WSU in the summer of 2020 and currently work for FarmHouse Fraternity as an Assistant Director.

While at Wichita State, I had the opportunity to attend the 2019 International Sports Heritage Association conference as an Emerging Professional, where I learned about the sports heritage industry. Attending the ISHA conference helped solidify sports heritage as the segment of the sport industry I wanted to pursue for my career. I thoroughly enjoyed networking with sport museum professionals, learning about topics such as preservation and outreach, and exploring the new Wichita baseball stadium!

I decided to start a sports museum podcast to continue to network within the industry and provide exciting content to sports history fans like myself. On Hallowed Ground, I bring listeners in-depth interviews with the men and women behind-the-scenes of sports heritage organizations, those who work in programming, curation, and membership development, to name a few. Episode One was with Ricardo Rodriguez from the Baseball Heritage Museum in Cleveland, OH, and Episode Two was with Justine Kaempfer, ISHA Board member and Museum Programs Assistant at the Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame in Green Bay, WI. More episodes are on the way!

I plan to release episodes bi-weekly, and I hope the podcast can be mutually beneficial, helping me and my listeners gain insight into sports heritage while also providing exposure to each museum. The podcast has been downloaded in eight countries!

You can find the podcast by searching “Hallowed Ground: The Sports Museum Podcast” on most podcast apps. Here are some direct links to the podcast on Apple, Google, and Spotify.

You can email me any questions or let me know if you’d like to be a guest on the podcast at [email protected] or interact on our social media pages: @HGPod on Twitter and hallowedgroundpod on Instagram. I’m super excited about this new project and my continued membership in ISHA!

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