Special Project Grants Open

An opportunity is available for a $2,000 Special Projects Grant through the International Sports Heritage Association. More details can be found on the attached application. Please consider applying now! The deadline for applications is October 31. If your museum is considering any projects that these funds can help with, please consider applying. If you have any questions or need any clarification with the application or process, please contact me at [email protected].

The grant is supported through the ISHA Founders Fund. Money is raised through member and corporate donations as well as fund-raising activities at the annual ISHA Conference as well as throughout the year. The committee has budgeted for two grants in 2024 if deemed worthy.

  • Again, the deadline for applications is October 31. The committee will review all applications, apply a scoring system to those submitted and then make a recommendation to the ISHA board for approval at their next available meeting. Successful applicants will be notified after that meeting.
  • The monies will be released upon submission of a final report outlining the successful completion of the project along with financial statements and receipts reflecting actual costs of the project. This summary report is expected no later than 30 days following the completion of the project, or one (1) year after the awarding of the grant, whichever comes first. The report should include a 250-word summary of the project and two photos that can be used in the ISHA Newsletter.

Thank you for your support of ISHA and thank you for considering taking advantage of this great membership benefit. The full application can be reached here: https://prorodeo-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/p/mwinterfeldt/ESBQleOFMi5PjN2rkXCBVWgBRh7QNDESBnhpI9ZuFBpuow?e=QGdyYb

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