The Colorado Sports Hall of Fame and the Rocky Mountain skyline await ISHA delegates for the 43rd annual ISHA conference.

“We are excited to welcome the ISHA membership to Denver,” said Laura Gee, the marketing & tour director at the Colorado Hall. “The conference committee has worked diligently to prepare and the planned sessions will definitely benefit the delegates as we all strive to learn and improve upon how we tackle the day-to-day challenges we face in the industry.”

The opening session on Wednesday, Oct. 16 delves into the process of connecting visitors with the artifacts on display through storytelling. The written word may no longer be enough to make that connection in a society that depends on ever-improving technology and interactivity. Day one of the conference ends with an open forum and a session on LED lighting, energy savings and sustainability.

The Welcome Reception Wednesday evening will be held at the National Ballpark Museum and include a tour of Coors Field, home to Major League Baseball’s Colorado Rockies.

Thursday, Oct. 17 begins with a session on honoring the less than honorable with Denver Broncos vice president of corporate communications Jim Saccamano presenting. Athletes that have fallen from grace might still deserve recognition for their on-field performances, yet honoring those athletes can be a touchy subject.

Museum construction is next on the docket and more than one ISHA delegate is currently in the midst of a major project — the San Francisco 49ers and St. Louis Cardinals to name two.
The final Thursday session will hit home with many institutions — How to Advertise with No Money. There are many avenues for institutions to spread their message without buying air time on the Super Bowl broadcast; this session will tell you how.

The Evening of Champions dinner will be held at Sports Authority Field at Mile High with speaker Charles Sampson, a Pro Rodeo Hall of Famer.

The Farewell Lunch Speaker on Oct. 18 will be Lacey Henderson, who lost a leg to cancer at age 9 and is currently training for the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.